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Elevating Motherhood

Elevating Motherhood

By Lori Beth Auldridge

All things honest motherhood with host Lori Beth Auldridge. Helping moms find their confidence with resources & fresh perspectives.
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084. Sunday Prep: 5 Simple Steps for an Easier Week with Toni-Ann Mayembe

Elevating MotherhoodNov 19, 2020

161. Next Year’s Mother’s Day is Tied to This Year’s Father’s Day
May 30, 202419:09
160. The Emotional Roller Coaster of Mother’s Day

160. The Emotional Roller Coaster of Mother’s Day

May 11, 202418:29
159. Does Your Husband Feel the Same? A Husband’s Perspective on Current Marriage Culture

159. Does Your Husband Feel the Same? A Husband’s Perspective on Current Marriage Culture

A rare appearance from my husband Chris who courageously shows up today in a raw, candid conversation with me about marriage, expectations, and who needs to do more. It’s really hard to talk about marriage in a public forum because it can be easily be misinterpreted as “advice” …and we want to reassure you that today’s episode is not intended to be marriage advice, it’s not about anyone in particular, it’s us seeing a common thread all around us (even online and in shows!) and pulling that thread to see where it leads us. Our hope is that this episode is a conversation starter for you and your spouse—a perspective that leads to deeper growth and conversation. We hope it’s an example of how two people in a marriage can view things differently and not have those differences be a hinderance or cause hurt to the other. These are incomplete thoughts—observations rather than conclusions. Will you see yourself in this episode? Will you see your marriage in this episode? Will your husband? We don’t know. Marriages have similarities and differences across the board. We’ll be curious to hear your thoughts at the end. Thanks for listening and for your gentleness and respect as we pull at this new thread in a public and unscripted way. In this episode Chris and I talk about: · Martyrdom · Husbands not doing enough · Financial trials in our current culture · Our current economy · Tensions in marriage · Man dogging culture · Allowing time for transitions · Looking for creative ways to bring in more money · Answering the call to do more · Having patience with transitions · Ideals · Starting over · How it’s hard to find the motivation to do more for less · Skewed expectations of what we are bringing to the table · Are women growing & changing at a faster rate than men? · Dads not being on board with homeschool and why · Jealousy in our roles · Living a scheduled life when your family doesn’t · Moms researching parenting · Fair expectations · Happiness and rest for both spouses · Respecting each other’s perspectives · Man hating culture is trickling into marriage culture · Actions speak louder than words · Men feel emotions like stress and jealousy too · What do you believe about your husband? · What do you believe about your marriage? · What is the undercurrent in your marriage? Christian Business Women! This is for you:
Apr 09, 202441:15
158. Raising Boys to Men with Durenda Wilson

158. Raising Boys to Men with Durenda Wilson

This is a high energy conversation. For some reason it’s highly political at the moment to talk about boys, men, gender, and masculinity. And here we are as moms, right smack dab the middle of the over-politicized nonsense, trying to have meaningful marriages with our husbands and raise our sons well in a world that bashes boys and men.

We need to talk about the tension—both the undercurrent in our culture and the outright hatred toward men. We need to stand up for our sons and raise them up at the same time. In this interview you’ll hear me tell the story about how when I found out I was pregnant at 40, I knew I was going to have a son. I knew I was going to be called to speak out about the war on men happening in our current culture.

My guest today is Durenda Wilson…she is a friend of mine but also a brilliant writer and podcaster. I look to her a lot for homeschool and parenting advice. She speaks out on this subject with so much grace and encouragement. Her perspective really takes the charge off our current cultural messaging and puts tools and encouragement back in the hands and hearts of moms so we can show up well in our marriages and in our motherhood.

You’ll leave this conversation feeling equipped as a boy mom and have a better understanding of what true masculinity is.

Durenda Bio: Durenda Wilson has been married to Darryl for 34 years. He wanted two children and she wanted ten. They compromised at eight. Durenda has over 30 years of homeschool experience. She also has 11 grandchildren (7 are boys) who are also being homeschooled. During her years of experience in home education, she has seen first hand how kids learn naturally and effectively when they are given time and space along with encouragement to trust their own learning processes. She wants to take this hard-earned wisdom and mentor moms—she believes an encouraged mom is always a better mom. Durenda began The Durenda Wilson Podcast for this purpose back in July 2017 which grew quickly and gained recognition with both families and leaders in the homeschool community. Durenda has over 500 episodes to choose from and boasts over 3 million downloads!


Durenda's Links:

Buy Her Book: Website:

Instagram: @durendaleewilson


Today’s Sponsor: The Focus Retreat

Mar 10, 202401:25:03
157. This Week on the Internet Loses Its Mind: Ballerina Farms & Twerking Fourth Graders

157. This Week on the Internet Loses Its Mind: Ballerina Farms & Twerking Fourth Graders

Well, it's been another week of the internet going crazy. But so many friends and followers sent me two of the same posts this week and I felt called to share my thoughts on them because to me they are incredibly related: 1. Hannah of Ballerina Farms is competing in the Mrs. World Pageant and the internet has decided she is dangerous and setting a bad example (oooooookay…) 2. The teacher calling for parents to take phones away from kids and stop letting phones raise their children because 4th graders are bullying, body shaming, and twerking on the playground.   What Do I Think the REAL Issues Are? We have some thinking to do as parents. We can do better as moms (& no, that's not shaming) The need for more self-awareness Parenting our own children The real danger: peer-oriented culture Mom shaming Toxic postpartum messaging Bullying (by grown-ups and kids) Who are the bullies? Cattiness & Meanness The over-sexualization of everything Ease and convenience over depth and meaning Healthy boundaries with internet use Parents need to ask themselves Allowing sensationalism to trump the real lessons As moms, we need to strive to do better by our kids The call to strive   “Am I smiling and laughing at strangers entertaining me on my phone more than I’m looking at my kids and smiling and laughing because they are bringing me joy in my every day?” -Lori Beth Auldridge   No ad spots today because I wanted to get right to the message. But check out all our sponsors at
Jan 22, 202439:32
156. My Word for 2024: Endurance
Jan 01, 202421:27
155. Passionate About Education: Nikki Phillippi on Second Generation Homeschooling

155. Passionate About Education: Nikki Phillippi on Second Generation Homeschooling

I love today’s passionate and honest conversation with my in person friend Nikki Phillippi. We’re both freedom loving homeschooling who spend a LOT of time thinking about education standards, education philosophy, and education reform. We’re both life-long learners who like to dive deep into many topics that affect us as mothers and topics that affect our children’s education…and then we discuss them over long voice memos to each other. It’s pretty fun. I 10/10 recommend finding another mom friend to voice memo with. Today you get to be part of our in-depth back and forths as we talk about education reform, protecting our freedom to homeschool, misinformation about homeschool, and our own personal education journeys.


Nikki’s Bio: Nikki Phillippi is a very popular YouTube personality, author, recipe creator, and podcaster. She is a wife, mother, and second-generation homeschooler. Nikki is passionate, authentic, and honest in ways that inspire me--truly. If you already know Nikki, you’ll love hearing her show up in classic Nikki fashion as she shares about her education journey and why homeschool is her hill to die on. If this is your first introduction to Nikki, hold on tight! She is a ball of energy! I’ll be sure to link to her YouTube channel in the show notes as well as my recent episode with her on her YouTube channel where we go even deeper into homeschool freedoms and education reform.


In This Episode, Nikki & I Talk About:

· Growing Up: Nikki’s homeschool journey as a child

· Bullying in school

· Homeschool advocacy

· Being advanced and being behind in school at the same time

· Feeling held back in subjects in school

· Feeling “stupid” in school

· Physical and mental abuse in school

· John Taylor Gatto's Book Dumbing Us Down

· Kids are convinced they are stupid

· Learning to love learning

· Tailoring education to individuals...& so much more!

FULL SHOW NOTES AVAILABLE AT: WWW.ELEVATINGMOTHERHOOD.COM Please Visit Today’s Sponsor: The Elevating Homeschool Community

Dec 10, 202301:23:55
154. Incomplete Thoughts: On Pettiness

154. Incomplete Thoughts: On Pettiness

I’ve wanted to tackle so many topics over the years but have avoided hitting record because I felt like my thoughts were incomplete.

Pettiness has been a topic swirling in my mind for the past few weeks because of two conversations I overheard on Halloween. And, well, here are my incomplete thoughts on the topic.

Here are also the bible verses I looked up to help me find peace with these two stories:

What Does the Bible Say About Being Petty
Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control; against such things there is no law.

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

Romans 15:5 May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Romans 12:3 by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.

What Does the Bible Say About Pride
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

Romans 12:16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.

What are your thoughts? What do you want to add to these incomplete thoughts on pettiness? Email me:

More at:

Elevating Homeschool Community: here

Nov 19, 202336:11
153. Ruth Chou Simons: Strength for Our Everyday Life (from Her New Devotional Pilgrim)

153. Ruth Chou Simons: Strength for Our Everyday Life (from Her New Devotional Pilgrim)

Ruth Chou Simons is an artist in so many senses of the word. Her latest book Pilgrim: 25 Ways God’s Character Leads Us Onward is stunning and inspiring. It’s a beautiful exploration of God’s character and faithfulness and is bursting with Ruth’s signature watercolor art. It’s a gift for the eyes and the heart.

Years ago I had a friend say to me, “I think Jesus was a great person and someone worth striving to be like. I don’t like all the religion and church stuff, and I wouldn’t call myself a Christian, but I do think that Jesus was real and someone worth striving to be like.” Pilgrim is the book I wish I had to give her in that moment. Understanding the character of God in a biblical context where we can start to break down who He is and what His works show us is important. Understanding His character helps us understand His strength—it gives us not only something to lean in to, but an example of compassionate character to strive toward.

We’re on a journey, a path that we travel every day and I can tell you that walking a path set out for me by Jesus is a lot easier than trying to create my own. As mothers, we need strength for our daily journey. It’s available to us. Sometimes we need reminders that nothing separates us from God’s love. Pilgrim is a beautiful reminder of that. Pretty enough to leave out on the table as our daily reminder that God’s provision and grace is available to us.

Ruth is wonderful. If you already know who Ruth Chou Simons is, you’re going to love this interview. If you’re hearing about her for the first time here, know that I am so honored to be the one to introduce you to her and her work.

Ruth’s Bio: Ruth Chou Simons is a Wall Street Journal bestselling and award-winning author of several books and Bible studies, including GraceLacedBeholding and Becoming, and When Strivings Cease. She is an artist, entrepreneur, podcaster, and speaker, using each of these platforms to spiritually sow the Word of God into people's hearts. Through social media, her online shop at, and the GraceLaced Collective community, Simons shares her journey of God's grace intersecting daily life with word and art. Ruth and her husband, Troy, are grateful parents to six boys—their greatest adventure.



Nourished Motherhood:

Elevating Homeschool Community:

Nov 11, 202344:03
152. Behind the Scenes: Why I Took a Big Break & Why I'm Back

152. Behind the Scenes: Why I Took a Big Break & Why I'm Back

I’ve never really understood why podcasters do seasons...until I hit a point in my life where my personal seasons started to demand the I shift my professional seasons. So I took a break from podcasting to focus on my family's needs, travel, work on new projects, etc. So what was I up to? Listen and find out!

In this episode I talk about:

* Finding home when you can’t go back to where you were “born and raised”

* Creating home in a new place

* We moved…again! New house, same state

* Acts of obedience

* Needing to be present

* Spiritual warfare

* The predator load at our new house

* New farm additions!

* The transition from farm to suburbs to farm

* Our 3 week long RV trip

* My personal health journey

* And more…!


Oct 29, 202329:60
151. From Chaos to Calm with Bonnie Gray

151. From Chaos to Calm with Bonnie Gray

God’s timing is so good. If you follow me on IG, you’ve probably heard me talk about how I feel like my current life lessons all center around humility and God’s timing over mine. Well, the timing of this episode’s release is just perfect. I needed this episode when I recorded it and I needed it again this week with our family moving (again! We’re still in Idaho, but moving is pretty all consuming no matter the distance!) I have been feeling overwhelmed in this unexpected season of chaos. Bonnie’s books have truly been gifts to me at different moments in my life. Today we’re talking about her newest book Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less and Transform Chaos to Calm (but I also recommend her other book Sweet Like Jasmine).

You’ll probably hear the surprise in my voice at how Bonnie and I just jumped right into the deep end with this conversation. Bonnie’s willingness to be vulnerable and connect with people honestly and openly is part of what makes her such a special guest.

If you are in a season of chaos (which I feel like is probably most moms with kids at home), this episode is for you. If you’re a mother who is getting things done but you often feel like you’re surviving alone, this episode is for you.


Bonnie’s Bio: Bonnie Gray is the author of Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less and Transform Chaos to Calm, Whispers of Rest, Finding Spiritual Whitespace and Sweet Like Jasmine. An inspirational speaker and podcast host of Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast, Bonnie touches thousands of lives using storytelling, soul care, and prayer. Bonnie’s global following of readers come to her for inspiring Christian content in her authentic, unique voice. Her writing has been published and syndicated across a broad online audience. Bonnie lives in California with her husband and two sons.


Jul 08, 202301:20:06
150. Y’all Need This: Gleaning Appalachian Wisdom in Our Modern World from Shallon Payne of The Appalachian Homestead

150. Y’all Need This: Gleaning Appalachian Wisdom in Our Modern World from Shallon Payne of The Appalachian Homestead

“We need sandpaper in our lives.” – Shallon Payne

Today I’m excited to introduce you to my friend Shallon from The Appalachian Homestead. Shallon and I talk often over IG and text about all kinds of things. It’s so nice because the two of us share a bit of an automatic understanding of each other and the way we see life because we were both raised in the Appalachian Mountains. I was raised farther North in the foothills and she’s in the heart of Appalachia, but there are things we just “get” about each other and life. I know that our upbringing allows us to see the world differently. We’re a proud people with big ideas. People from Appalachia have a strong sense of family. And yet here I am living far, far away from my family and have for a long, long time.

Shallon and I intended to talk about how the internet is ruining motherhood and how it’s gonna be alright because everything comes out in the wash. But we ended up talking about way more than that! This is a different kind of episode…it’s like y’all are gonna walk into the middle of a conversation with Shallon and I. And in that sense it’s waaaaaaay different than my other episodes.

I’m glad it turned out this way because I want you to see that it’s possible and important to talk about big ideas about motherhood with other moms. You can be similar in some ways and totally different in others, you can agree, disagree, and still love, respect, and glean from the wisdom of other moms. None of us are exactly the same, even if we’re from a similar area or have a similar background. But all of us need community, “Big C Community”—especially us moms—so we can sort out this world that gets a little cattywompus at times.

Shallon’s Bio: Family wisdom is the generational wealth of The Appalachian Homestead. Shallon and her husband Mark share this with their followers via their website and social media platforms. I hope you will join them on their platforms as they share life, the old ways, and the wisdom of the ages.


May 30, 202301:16:50
149. Mother's Day Special: Navigating Seasons of Motherhood with Jennifer Ford Berry, Amy Debrucque, Becky Koptizke, & Lori Beth Auldridge

149. Mother's Day Special: Navigating Seasons of Motherhood with Jennifer Ford Berry, Amy Debrucque, Becky Koptizke, & Lori Beth Auldridge

Happy Mother's Day, Mama!

This is a super special episode…not just because it’s in honor of Mother’s Day, but because there will be 4 mamas speaking life over you today!  3 of my dear friends in life and business—Jennifer Ford Berry, Amy Debrucque, and Becky Kopitzke are joining me for this conversation. These lovely mamas are all members of the mastermind I’ve had the honor of being a part of for a while now, they are also authors, speakers, podcasters, coaches, wives, and mothers. We talk often about how these multiple roles take a lot of our time and energy and brainstorm together on a weekly basis about how we can thrive in various seasons of motherhood and live a more integrated life where family and business exist to support one another.


And that’s what today’s conversation is about. Thriving in each season of motherhood. Integrating our different roles in different seasons. And what it looks like to work on our own personal growth along the way. This is a beautiful conversation filled with vulnerability and stories as we share about our own personal struggles, times of worry, moments of judgement, and times we grappled for control…as well as how we got to the other side of those tough moments. This episode is packed with truths and encouragement!


I’m excited for you to get to know Jennifer, Becky, and Amy more…these women are also my co-hosts for The Focus Retreat happening this September in beautiful Kentucky. This episode is a great opportunity to get to know them more so you can connect with who will be speaking into your life and business this fall at the retreat. We have unique perspectives and convictions, but always manage to find common ground as women who have hearts for Jesus and encouraging other moms through our businesses and ministries.  


I adore these women and know you will, too. Check out the show notes for links to their websites and IG profiles as well as links to The Focus Retreat.


Stay tuned at the end, too, for a special message from Becky about The Focus Retreat and our bonus Early Bird Mother’s Day specials!  


May 11, 202349:54
148. Teatime Discipleship with Sally Clarkson

148. Teatime Discipleship with Sally Clarkson

Today is a very special interview. I had the honor of interviewing Sally Clarkson, someone whose work I’ve leaned into often. Sally is such a loving resource for my homeschool, mothering, and spiritual growth. In this episode we’re talking about her new book Teatime Discipleship: Sharing Faith One Cup at a Time. I read it from cover to cover and wow—what a gift. Sally shares from the heart about how simple everyday practices like teatime can be a catalyst for connection, friendship, hospitality, ministry, and encouragement. It’s a foundational tool for women to center their hearts and draw nearer to God and one another. And wow, do mothers need more of that right now—we need the opportunity to be impacted by an encouraging host and the opportunity to be such a host. The world tells us we’re too busy for such things…Sally reminds us that we’re not and that there is everlasting greatness in the small moments with those we love.


Sally’s Bio: Sally Clarkson is a bestselling author, renowned speaker, and beloved mentor who has dedicated her life to inspiring countless women to live for Christ. She’s sold more than a million books and her podcast, At Home with Sally, has received more than 20 million downloads. Sally has been married to her husband Clay for more than forty years. They have raised four adult children. Today, Sally splits her time between the mountains of Colorado and the rolling fields of England.


My Favorite Quotes from Sally’s New Book:


Page 21: “Come here and feast and rest a while. Good food, conversation, and friendship are awaiting you. I have prepared a place for us. You are special and I love spending time with you.”


Page 42: “A host provides for the comfort and security of all who cross her doorstep.”


Page 71: “If wisdom, truth, and love have been built up as resources in our hearts, then when we encounter people, they will draw wisdom, truth, and love from the ways we speak to them and interact with them. People draw from what we have invested in our souls over the years.”


Page 85: “The truth of Scripture is food for your mind—spiritual nourishment for growing in maturity, faith, and wisdom.”


Page 85: “Yet I have found that I often have to be the one who invites, who welcomes, who initiates the very fellowship I need and long for. When women seek out and cultivate fellowship, a community thrives.”


Page 111: “A wise woman takes care of her soul.”


Page 138: “Leaving a legacy of faith requires a lifetime of living steadfastly through each season and its demands.”


Page 139: “What might you do today to help your focus shift from the situation immediately surrounding you to the eternal unseen glory that is being worked out through those situations?”

Today’s episode is sponsored by Homeschool Explained, an online course I created to help parents find their confidence as they begin their homeschool journey. Homeschool Explained is also for families who are already homeschooling but feel they could use more resources and a confidence boost to keep with an updated PDF and monthly ongoing encouragement!

In Homeschool Explained I show you what modern homeschool days actually look like—all while covering major topics like curriculum, homeschool styles, subjects to teach, cost, state laws, socialization and so much more. This course takes the guess work out of where and how to begin and leaves you with solid support and resources from day one. I would be honored to help you to start your homeschool journey with confidence! Find out more at

Apr 14, 202338:42
147. Conquering Overwhelm in Our Schedules with The Time Saving Mom Crystal Paine

147. Conquering Overwhelm in Our Schedules with The Time Saving Mom Crystal Paine

Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? That your calendar is full and overwhelming? That busy is your new normal and you wish it weren’t? When my schedule gets too full, I know that something needs to change and that usually it means I need to sit down and have a come to Jesus meeting about my priorities. I need prayer, I need perspective, and I need practical steps. Our guest today is going to speak with us about all of those needs. Overextending ourselves…most of us want to change…

Most modern moms feel overextended and like they want change. Crystal is just the encourager we need to work through those feelings and make actual change. You are going to leave this episode renewed—I was…three times over! Once after reading her book, again after this conversation, and once more when I was editing this episode. At the end of the show I share 4 ways that Crystal’s book changed my life. Get ready for some tips, encouragement, and fresh perspective about how to best budget our time as moms.

Crystal’s Bio: Crystal Paine is the founder of, host of The Crystal Paine Show podcast, and a New York Times bestselling author. Her desire is to help women across the globe live with more joy, purpose, and intention in their everyday lives. She lives with her husband and six kids in the Nashville, Tennessee, area, where she is actively involved in her local church. Her biggest passions are helping women understand how the gospel can radically transform their lives, raising awareness for foster care, going on adventures with her family (locally, domestically, and internationally), finding great deals at the grocery store, having heartfelt conversations, and trying to read too many books at one time!


Today’s Sponsor: THE FOCUS RETREAT

The mastermind I’m in with Jennifer Ford Berry, Becky Kopitske, and Amy Debrucque has an exciting announcement! We are hosting our first ever in-person retreat this fall at Shaker Village outside of Lexington, KY. It’s called The Focus Retreat and we could not be more thrilled to share this opportunity with you! Join us this September for an opportunity to gather with other business minded mamas who long for the opportunity to carve out time to focus on what matters most to them in their businesses and lives—community, strategy, family, organization, and confidence. We’re taking a whole woman approach to our coaching in this retreat by integrating business, personal, and spiritual growth—I love that this will all happen in-person with other woman who value genuine community over networking.
They’ll be keynote workshops, break out sessions, social gatherings, a mastermind panel to help you learn how to form your own, (and the in-person opportunity to introduce you to other women who are also interested in joining a mastermind) PLUS an optional VIP experience at Amy’s lake house with live music, delicious food, and sisterhood. Come hang out with me, Jennifer, Becky, and Amy in-person this September at The Focus Retreat in beautiful Kentucky! Go to for more information and to reserve your spot for this boutique retreat. Tickets are limited. Head to to reserve yours!
Apr 08, 202347:16
146. Lynn Carter: How to Stop People Pleasing

146. Lynn Carter: How to Stop People Pleasing

There are so many times in my life I’ve wondered if I’m a people pleaser. I’ve wondered if I was taught to be, if everyone in our society is to some degree. I’ve questioned if some of my decisions are centered around people pleasing, and if it’s something I need to work on it my life. Am I modeling it for my kids? Expecting it from them unintentionally? I’m sure you’re here because you’ve wondered similar things.


My friend Lynn Carter is here to help us unpack our people pleasing habits and provide us with some much needed perspective to refocus our time, attention, values, and schedules and shake our people pleasing tendencies. She’s sweet, funny, kind, and encouraging. She tackles this conversation without making it a “heavy” and for that I’m so grateful.


Lynn’s Bio: Lynn Carter is the creator and host of The Good News Mama Podcast, she is a wife, boy mom, her sons’ coach (which she talks about in the show), and my dear friend.


Elevating Motherhood Links:

Website: ⁠⁠

Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood



Today’s Sponsor: THE FOCUS RETREAT ⁠⁠


The mastermind I’m in with Jennifer Ford Berry, Becky Kopitske, and Amy Debrucque has an exciting announcement! We are hosting our first ever in-person retreat this fall at Shaker Village outside of Lexington, KY.  It’s called The Focus Retreat and we could not be more thrilled to share this opportunity with you! Join us this September for an opportunity to gather with other business minded mamas who long for the opportunity to carve out time to focus on what matters most to them in their businesses and lives—community, strategy, family, organization, and confidence.  We’re taking a whole woman approach to our coaching in this retreat by integrating business, personal, and spiritual growth—I love that this will all happen in-person with other woman who value genuine community over networking.


They’ll be keynote workshops, break out sessions, social gatherings, a mastermind panel to help you learn how to form your own, (and the in-person opportunity to introduce you to other women who are also interested in joining a mastermind) PLUS an optional VIP experience at Amy’s lake house with live music, delicious food, and sisterhood. Come hang out with me, Jennifer, Becky, and Amy in-person this September at The Focus Retreat in beautiful Kentucky! Go to ⁠⁠ for more information and to reserve your spot for this boutique retreat. Tickets are limited. Head to ⁠⁠ to reserve yours!

Apr 07, 202352:55
145. The Sacred Connection Between Creating & Mothering with Ashlee Gadd of Coffee + Crumbs

145. The Sacred Connection Between Creating & Mothering with Ashlee Gadd of Coffee + Crumbs

“What does it mean to be creative…it’s allowing yourself to be so inspired by the beauty of the world that you want to capture it in some kind of form and then having the discipline to actually carry it out.” -Ashlee Gadd on the Elevating Motherhood Podcast

Mothers often feel guilt when they pursue something that takes time away from their children, especially when that something could be deemed less important than parenting. Writer Ashlee Gadd felt the same way when she was navigating being a first-time mother, exhausted yet yearning to be creative. Now a mother of three and the founder of Coffee + Crumbs, an online community bringing mothers together through storytelling, Gadd intentionally finds time to be creative.

Ashlee Gadd is someone I’ve followed my entire motherhood journey…for almost a decade. I’ve listened to her podcast and read her blog. Ashlee has been showing up for years through her brand Coffee + Crumbs. She’s been creating and mothering that entire time and all of those years of experience with creating and mothering are now brought together in her beautiful new book Create Anyway: The Joy of Pursuing Creativity in the Margins of Motherhood.

Her book and this interview inspired me so much and I know they will inspire you. In a world that tells moms they are too busy to go to the bathroom by themselves let alone create anything, Ashlee is a voice of compassion and practicality that says “yes you can be a mom and create. Yes you can take matters into your own hands and make the time. Your ideas matter. Your creations have great purpose in this world. You’re not alone in your desire to want to create and bring more beauty into your life and the lives of your family and community.”

Ashlee’s Bio: Ashlee Gadd is author of Create Anyway: The Joy of Pursuing Creativity in the Margins of Motherhood and the founder of Coffee + Crumbs—a beautiful online space where motherhood and storytelling intersect. As a writer and photographer, Ashlee has spent her entire motherhood creating in the margins. When she's not writing or vacuuming Cheerios out of the carpet, she loves making friends on the internet, eating cereal for dinner, and rearranging bookshelves. She and her husband have three kids and live in Northern California.



Today’s episode is sponsored by Homeschool Explained, an online course I created to help parents find their confidence as they begin their homeschool journey. Homeschool Explained is also for families who are already homeschooling but feel they could use more resources and a confidence boost to keep going. My course is designed to save you time; it can be really overwhelming typing “how to homeschool” into an online search engine then spending hours sorting through the results. With Homeschool Explained, there will be no more maddening online searches for how to start homeschooling—this is me, a passionate veteran homeschool mom, holding your hand and walking you through homeschool 101 in just under 3 hours. The course is outlined to be logical and easy to understand. I take over 15 years of homeschool experience and condense it into a 3 hour instructional video and include a newly updated, downloadable PDF. I’m super stoked to announce that the PDF isn’t the only new upgrade! I’m now including ongoing encouragement! So learning doesn’t end when the tutorial video stops.  At least once a month I’ll upload encouragement for you. This month I have 2…an audio for parents who are teaching their young children to read and a video about joyful journaling—how to bring joy into writing and record keeping.


Mar 30, 202355:45
144. Clonlara: Unique Accredited Support for Homeschoolers—An interview with Clonlara Director of Education April Huard

144. Clonlara: Unique Accredited Support for Homeschoolers—An interview with Clonlara Director of Education April Huard

My children are homeschooled at home in Idaho but are technically private school students at Clonlara School in Michigan. How does that work? I get that question A LOT so I’ve invited April Huard, the Director of Education at Clonlara School onto the show to answer that question and share more about Clonlara’s unique and transformative mission.  

Clonlara’s Mission: The mission of Clonlara School is to transform education on a global scale through a highly personalized approach that fosters authenticity, autonomy, and joy in the learning process. We are passionate about supporting homeschooling families as they follow their curiosities and become lifelong learners.


April Huard Bio: April is currently the Director of Education at Clonlara School, but started her education career as a second-grade teacher in a public school. When her oldest child was ready for kindergarten, she quit her job to start homeschooling her. April had no idea at the time that homeschooling would turn into a lifelong passion and prepare her for a career at Clonlara School. April and her husband have homeschooled all five of their children at various points during their school years. At Clonlara, April works with on-campus and off-campus students and an amazing global team of passionate educators.


Today’s episode is sponsored by Homeschool Explained, an online course I created to help parents find their confidence as they begin their homeschool journey. Homeschool Explained is also for families who are already homeschooling but feel they could use more resources and a confidence boost to keep going.

My course is designed to save you time; it can be really overwhelming typing “how to homeschool" into an online search engine then spending hours sorting through the results. With Homeschool Explained, there will be no more maddening online searches for how to start homeschooling—this is me, a passionate veteran homeschool mom, holding your hand and walking you through homeschool 101 in just under 3 hours. The course is outlined to be logical and easy to understand. I take over 15 years of homeschool experience and condense it into a 3 hour instructional video and include a newly updated, downloadable PDF. I’m super stoked to announce that the PDF isn’t the only new upgrade! I’m now including ongoing encouragement! So your learning doesn’t end when the tutorial video stops.  At least once a month I’ll upload encouragement for you. This month I have 2…an audio for parents who are teaching their young children to read and a video about joyful journaling—how to bring joy into writing and record keeping.


Mar 24, 202356:08
143. Learning Self-Sufficiency & Homesteading Science with Kody Hanner

143. Learning Self-Sufficiency & Homesteading Science with Kody Hanner

“The modern homestead movement is 100% a state of mind. It’s the strive for self-sufficiency.”

My friend Kody Hanner wrote a homestead curriculum that my family adores. It’s being used by homeschoolers, schools, and I know some adults who could benefit from the huge amount of information in her homestead curriculum. Kody joins us today to talk about her curriculum, how it came to be, the modern homestead movement, life-long learning, parenting, and so much more. 

Kody has generously offered a discount code for listeners of Elevating Motherhood. Use the code LORIBETH for 10% your purchase of the Homestead Education Curriculum

Kody’s Bio: Kody is a wife of a veteran, mother of 6, homesteader, and homeschooler, that has devoted her life to agriculture and embracing rural living. She created and authored the Homestead Education series of homeschool curricula that includes homestead science. She is the host of The Homestead Education Podcast, which is rapidly growing in popularity where she chats candidly about homesteading, homeschooling, and personal growth.

In This Episode, Kody and I Talk About:

· What qualifies as homesteading

· How she got started as a homesteader

· Her homestead background

· Homestead flexing

· Permaculture

· How she stared writing a curriculum

· The need for a homeschool homestead curriculum

· The writing process

· How long it took her to write the curriculum

· You don’t need to know everything, you need to know how to find good information

· The modern homestead movement

· Reach out to your county’s extension office for resources

· Production over consumption

· Slowing down

· Taking responsibility for your life

· Having entrepreneurial values

· People like to quiz homeschoolers randomly

· Adding depth to science experiments

· Who the curriculum is for

· Complaints she has received about the curriculum

· Writing to a broad audience

· Healing disconnect

· Integrating topics into your homeschool...and SO MUCH MORE!

Full Show Notes Available at:

Today's Sponsors: and

Mar 11, 202355:21
142. Fighting for Homeschool Freedom Amidst the Confusion of School Choice with Aby Rinella

142. Fighting for Homeschool Freedom Amidst the Confusion of School Choice with Aby Rinella

What is your homeschool freedom worth? Today’s episode is probably going to be controversial to some listeners. My guest, Aby Rinella, and I are going to talk about School Choice and Public School Partnerships and what effect these have on homeschool freedom. You might not agree with what Aby and I have to say on these topics. You might agree with part of it. You might agree with all of it. And that is okay. We’re here to share a perspective that is not shared very often during recent conversations about School Choice. I always trust my listeners to use their discernment. You know what is best for your family. And I think we can all agree that there is no one size fits all solution for anything ever.

All of that being said, Aby and I are here today to share our perspective as two veteran homeschool moms with a lot of kids between the two of us. We are both passionate freedom fighting homeschool mamas who have been active in homeschool politics for quite a few years. Homeschool freedoms are under attack & are very much affected by the School Choice movement happening right now. I appreciate you showing up for today’s show and considering a different perspective than the one being sold by politicians…if nothing else, I’m hoping this conversation helps bring foresight to discussions surrounding school choice and public school partnerships as well as much needed perspective from homeschool families who have opted out of mainstream education.

Aby’s Bio: Aby Rinella lives in the mountains of the west with her college sweetheart and their three kids. Aby writes and speaks to encourage and inspire parents to answer the call to train up their children in God’s Word and to stand on truth in a culture that has lost it’s foundation. Aby can be found as a frequent guest on the Schoolhouse Rocked podcast and she and her husband serve on their state homeschool board. Aby also writes for the outdoor industry, sharing her family’s experiences in the outdoors. You can find her at



Feb 16, 202356:11
141. Leah Boden on How the Legacy of Charlotte Mason is Informing Our Motherhood Journeys 100 Years Later
Feb 02, 202358:19
140. My Grandmother's Legacy
Jan 20, 202330:28
139. Jennifer Pepito on Wholeness in Motherhood + Her New Book Mothering by the Book

139. Jennifer Pepito on Wholeness in Motherhood + Her New Book Mothering by the Book

Books are incredibly powerful. We know this and yet as moms we don’t always make time to read. The world tells us that there is no time for anything, ever. And in the same breath often tells us what to do, what to read, how to think, how to mother…and a lot of that messaging leaves us feeling fearful, unworthy, and like we aren’t doing enough.

What if there was a way to step off the hamster wheel of modern motherhood and find ourselves feeling more whole, more worthy, and like we’re getting it right? And what if the secret to that was found in reading more books?

Today’s conversation with Jennifer Pepito is so enlightening. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I am a changed person, a changed mother, and I believe a better mother because I read books. Namely the books of the authors I have interviewed here on the podcast, including Jennifer’s book Mothering by the Book: The Power of Reading Aloud to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy. Jennifer is here to expand our book lists and shine a light on our motherhood journeys with deep, mature insights, ideas for battling comparison and other daily fears that arise in our mama hearts.

Jennifer’s Bio: Jennifer Pepito is the author of Mothering by the Book and the founder of The Peaceful Press ( Jennifer is on a mission to help moms overcome fear and love their life, and her homeschool curriculum empowers this through heroic stories, heartwarming poetry, and engaging life skills development. Her resources help create joyful memories among families, which leads to deeper connections and lasting relationships. Jennifer’s writing has been featured in several online and print journals, including Wild and Free, Commonplace Quarterly, and Home Educating Family. She’s a Wild and Free podcast host and has made guest appearances on popular podcasts such as 1000 Hours Outside, At Home with Sally, and Charlotte Mason Poetry. Jennifer lives in the mountains with her beloved family, where she enjoys reading aloud, working in her garden, and watching the sunset.


Elevating Motherhood Links:


Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood

Wellnesse: (CODE: LORIBETH for 10% off your order!)

Homeschool Explained:

Dec 28, 202248:25
138. How Halloween 2022 Actually Went: A Follow Up to Episode 136

138. How Halloween 2022 Actually Went: A Follow Up to Episode 136

This brief episode is a follow up to Episode 136…if you haven’t listened to that one, I highly recommend listening to that one first, otherwise this one won’t make very much sense.

I feel like it’s really important to not just talk about ideas or make plans, but to take time for self-reflection after an event to see how you’re feeling—especially as a mom.

Mamas set the tone for their entire family and sometimes it can feel really out of control to create a plan only to have the day come and the plan go out the window. Halloween 2022 was no exception for us. There were frantic moments the day of Halloween with costume preparation and getting everyone out the door on time, but all in all, I’d say this holiday went well and my goals ended up being more of a guideline than a set in stone plan of action.

My Original Goals From Episode 136 Included:

· Wean off of Halloween traditions (trick or treating)

· Switch Witch

· Harvest Festivals and parties over mainstream celebrations

· Heirloom costumes (no darkness)

· Celebrate with neighbors, make it clear we will use our discernment & leave if necessary

· Talk openly about Halloween and spiritual warfare

· Make pie instead of scary jack-o-lanterns

· Be aware of sweets consumption and ingredients

· Set a good example for our kids with either no costumes or innocent ones

· Up our vitamin regiment, get good sleep, take care of our health

How Halloween 2022 Actually Went:

· We’re still upping our vitamin regiment, getting good sleep and taking care of our health

· Switch Witch went off without a hitch

· We’re aware of sweets consumptions and ingredients—the kids asked about the candies they received and tried a few. They all agreed most of them were gross (green snickers, smarties, fire balls, etc). We let them have chocolates I bought at the health food store, let them keep just a few from trick-or-treating (they all chose less than 5 each!), and in general, candy was a non-issue

· We set a good example with no costumes…truthfully, I just didn’t have it in me this year. I was not motivated to spend money on Halloween costumes for the grownups

· The kids’ heirloom quality costumes were amazing and continue to be an everyday play hit in our homeschool. I’m really glad we invested in and

· We did talk openly about Halloween and spiritual warfare…although it was a bit of a dance. I was left wondering if we shared too much or in the right way?

· We did not make a pie with our pumpkins, we fed them to the chickens after we carved nice things in them at a friend’s Harvest Party (did you see that “Jesus knows your harvest parties are really Halloween parties” meme going around?)

· Our church’s Harvest Festival was a blast…so wholesome and well organized! We will definitely be going again next year

· Are we weaning off Halloween? I don’t know. It was so fun doing an activity with our neighbors. I think it made me realize I want to do more adventures with them and it doesn’t have to be trick-or-treating

· A word on Trick-or-Treating…I had a moment where I thought this is so picturesque! What’s the harm in this? And then we came to the creepy house…listen to the full episode to hear this part


Nov 12, 202230:03
137. Rebelling Against Mediocre Motherhood with M is for Mama Author Abbie Halberstadt
Oct 30, 202201:21:23
136. Should We Celebrate Halloween? What Our Family is Doing for Halloween 2022

136. Should We Celebrate Halloween? What Our Family is Doing for Halloween 2022

Halloween…you might be here because you feel something is different this year, too. Or you might be like “What’s the big deal? It’s just Halloween.” Or you might be here hoping I’ll expose it for the demonic celebration you think it is. Wherever you fall on this spectrum of perspectives, I’m glad you’re here.

People are super passionate about Halloween. Some love it and can hardly wait (my bestie from Episode 135 literally dresses up in 31 costumes and posts pictures of each online—one for every day of the month). And then there are those who are passionately believe Halloween is demonic with pagan origins. They see it as an invitation to invite darkness into our world unnecessarily. Some people view it as harmless and a holiday for people to just have a little fun, and there are those of us who land somewhere in the middle of all of these perspectives and aren’t sure how to feel about it or if we should take part in it. I think most of us in this middle are moms with little kids.

We don’t want our kids to be scared. We don’t like them exposed to evil or grotesque imagery and Halloween takes that control out of our hands. We don’t have control over what stores put on display, what people put up in our front yards (heaven forbid our neighbors put up a Freddy image on their front door for our toddler to stare at for a month), we don’t know who is going to open the door, what they’re dressed as, or if someone is going to jump out and try to scare us. And scare us anonymously…that’s the part that gets me…the masks make pranksters anonymous. That never sat right with me even before kids.

We live in a world where we tell our kids not to take candy from strangers…and then parade them around to the homes of strangers and instruct them to accept candy from them.

If you’re a “crunchy” mom like me, your kids don’t even know what reeses peanut butter cups and kit kats are…we stick to the healthier options when it comes to candy and rebuke mainstream, chemical laden crap. But that’s all people hand out because that’s what Costco, Walmart, and Target sell within our budgets.

And then there’s the costumes. Have you heard the term “prostitot?” It’s the kid sides prostitute worthy outfits that make most parents with any morals want to barf. Why on Earth do they sell midriff baring, mini skirt, way to adult costumes for kids (especially little girls)? They’re bad enough for the grownups (seriously…do an image search for “adult woman costumes” and tell me if anything comes up that doesn’t look like a hooker outfit with spandex, mini skirts, ruffles, boostiees, high heeled boots, and thigh high stockings)…but when they apply these same styles to outfits for children? I think a line needs to be drawn.


Here we are. Parents acting hypocritically while often dressed as prostitutes filling ourselves up with chemical laden sugar all for the sake of “tradition” and “having a little fun.”

I know that might seem harsh, but when I take a step back and actually look at the holiday…that’s what I see. And I’ve been guilty of more than one of those offenses.

But we’re talking about THIS Halloween. And how many of us are feeling THIS year. 2022 is just hitting differently. It’s been over 2 years of divisiveness and 2 years of spiritual warfare being out in the open. So anything that causes division (like attitudes about a holiday) and anything that is obvious spiritual warfare (think light vs. dark…which, no one can argue that Halloween doesn’t fall into the “dark” category) is a huge turn off.


Oct 24, 202230:04
135. Growth Mindset in Motherhood + Business: Showing Up As Your Best Self in Both

135. Growth Mindset in Motherhood + Business: Showing Up As Your Best Self in Both

My best friend wrote a book about business and I couldn’t help but read it through the motherhood lens as well. So that’s what this episode is about: applying business principles to motherhood as a way for moms to find their balance between the two. We’ll talk about the principles of growth mindset in both our professional and personal lives. We’re besties, so this episode starts out super informal and has it’s off the cuff moments throughout, but we do dive into the nitty gritty and I can promise you’ll walk away with some useful insights on how to show up as your best self in both motherhood and business.

Amanda has a section in her book where she talks about growth mindset. Finding joy in work and living the life you want to have. Finding what gives you life and joy. She lists the following elements of growth mindset that we’re going to talk about:

1. Reflection

2. Cultivating Your Purpose

3. Take on Challenges

4. Foster Grit

5. Write Your Goals

6. Check Your Attitude

7. Ask for Feedback

8. Stop Seeking Approval

9. Reward Actions, Not Traits

Amanda’s Bio: Amanda Furgiuele is a sole parent, multiple-business owner and entrepreneur, international performer, and an expert in creative problem-solving and time management. She is also the co-author of the Amazon best-selling book, The Pursuit of Badasserie: How to Create Badass Business Abundance, and co-hosts The Pursuit of Badasserie podcast. With over 16 years of experience as an entrepreneur, Amanda has extensive knowledge in productivity, structural development, strategic planning, crisis management, and business process improvements across multiple fields. She challenges her clients to stop making excuses and start making progress through innovative solutions to even the most mundane problems.

Elevating Motherhood Links:


Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood

Wellnesse: I have a new discount code for you! Wellnesse—a company started by the amazing Katie Wells of the Wellness Mama podcast—has offered a discount code for listeners of Elevating Motherhood for her amazing products! Wellnesse makes some of my favorite toothpaste (including a strawberry one for kids that my girls approve of!), shampoo, conditioner, dry shampoo, tongue scrapers, silk dental floss, biodegradable bamboo toothbrushes and more. You can now use the code LORIBETH for 10% off your purchase. I’ll have a whole list of my favorite Wellnesse products on the Elevating Motherhood website soon, until then, go check them out on their site and be sure to use the code LORIBETH at checkout for 10% off!

Oct 20, 202201:23:40
134. The Real Reasons You Need a Birth Plan with Dr. Sarah Leahy of Birth Uprising

134. The Real Reasons You Need a Birth Plan with Dr. Sarah Leahy of Birth Uprising

“It’s ridiculous that birth plans even have to exist. The purpose of a birth plan really is to decrease the likelihood that you are going to be abused while you’re in this setting. To decrease the likelihood that people are going to do stuff to you that you don’t want done.”

-Dr. Sarah Leahy

Join our Birth Plan Workshop on July 19, 2022! (

There was a crazy letter circulating on IG recently that was penned by three OBs from New York about birth plans, letting their clients (specifically their pregnant moms) that birth plans were not welcome in their practice. There was a poor attempt at justifying their reasoning behind this, but the simple fact this “rule” in their practice was put into place is enough to show me that women NEED to talk about birth plans more—including what they are and why they are essential. Birth plans are about so much more than the ridiculous stereotypes that surround them. People dismiss them (medical providers and OBs) because they assume women are creating them thinking that their birth can be planned. We don’t create birth plans hoping our births will be “perfect,” they are an education tool, a path to clear communication with a healthcare provider, and so, so much more that we’ll talk about today.

It’s insane to me that there are OBs in the world that don’t trust in a mother’s ability to give birth to the point that they manipulate and micromanage every aspect of our pregnancy and birth experience—down to your expectations about your birth and your right to communicate with them. Birth plans are a necessity now more than they’ve ever been.

In this episode, you’re going to hear real life examples, stories from our birth and pregnancy experiences, how to find your conviction & strength to speak up, and even “elephant in the room” topics like “I want a homebirth and my partner does not” and explanations for basic questions like “why do I need a birth plan?” and “how do I start to create a birth plan?”

Dr. Sarah’s Bio: Dr. Sarah Leahy is a doctor of chiropractic, mother of three, artist, birth educator, and the creator of Birth Uprising. She shares passionate, funny, and informational videos & slides on the regular over on her IG account @birthuprising 


Please Visit: 

WELLNESSE:  Code: LORIBETH for 10% off your order


Jul 09, 202201:46:31
133. Aligned Adventure: Create Your Best Summer Ever in 2 Lists!

133. Aligned Adventure: Create Your Best Summer Ever in 2 Lists!

Summer flies by...we only have 18 summers with our kiddos (but do we?) In this episode, I address the mom guilt that surrounds creating magical summer for and with our kids + give you some great ideas to have fun with ease--the ease that comes from living an aligned life. 

The 2 Lists:

1. Family Values List

2. Summer Bucket List

Add meaning to your summer by creating a family bucket list that aligns with your family’s values. I know that my family thrives most when we align our actions and values…and that includes things like summer fun!

1. Identify what your family values—make a values list first!

· Examples: Faith, Social, Character, Health, Education, Time, Financial

· Our family values: time in nature, friendships, trying new activities, going to new places, eating quality foods, and rest.

2. Take everyone into consideration—create your activities/wish list!

· Take the pressure off yourself to be the one who does it all and plans it all. Summer magic can happen with the help and input of your family

· Ask everyone what they hope to do this summer

· Write down their suggestions. See what is feasible and which ones align with your family’s values

· If your kids are too young to give their input, use your values as a guide to create plans, adventures, or daily habits

3. Put your lists into action

· Every Day Goals: If you value being outside, an everyday goal could be to eat outside as much as possible or prioritize having your morning coffee outside or get outside first thing in the morning or last thing at night catching fireflies with your kids.

· Destination Goals: your value of being outside could look more adventurous and out of the ordinary rhythm of life, like booking a camping trip or planning a trip to a local park or stream you’ve never been to.

· Look to see which items overlap. For our family, our summer list includes requests for fishing, swimming, and being on a boat. One day on the lake in a boat could check all 3 of those hopes off our bucket list.

4. Troubleshoot with your Values List First.

· Use your values list to troubleshoot as needed. Plans go awry. Attitudes go sideways. The weather turns. Plans get messed up. How can we re-center? Go back to our values list first. It’s your values list that is going to inspire you and give you perspective when your bucket list of hopes goes sideways.

New Discount Code! For Wellnesse!

Use the code LORIBETH at for a discount on all of Wellnesse's amazing products!

Jul 04, 202241:54
132. Bold Shifts: Elevating Motherhood & Life Updates

132. Bold Shifts: Elevating Motherhood & Life Updates

This episode will give you all the life and podcast updates for 2022 (so far). 

It’s been a big break. Ironically, I’ve watched others around me take a long 6 month+ break at the same time. Coincidence or calling? 

In the last 6 months, I've: 

Had a baby

Stayed on an extended maternity leave (whatever that means)

Moved from Maui to Idaho (I answer the #1 question: Do you miss Maui?)

Found a new church & wonderful friends

Adventured daily!

Started a book

Joined a mastermind

Returning to the podcast:

A back log of episodes will be coming out shortly!

I look at what it means to elevate motherhood & how I'll be showing up boldly.

· Resources: I'll keep bringing you resources to feel confident

· Protection: Motherhood is sacred--to elevate motherhood means to protect the sacredness of our role as mothers

· Perspective: There is a need for paradigm shifts

· Bettering motherhood experiences: like birth, educating our children, finding balance in all areas of our lives, and encouraging moms to get to know themselves, show up as their most authentic self, and feel like you’re enjoying the journey

· Balance: I want to find the balance between being authentic and vulnerable and also being appropriately private

Want you to feel resourced:

· Email me and let me know what topics you’d like me to cover! Email me:

· What areas of your life do you feel like you need resources?

Jul 01, 202231:13
131. Organizing Your Home & Life with Jennifer Ford Berry

131. Organizing Your Home & Life with Jennifer Ford Berry

Organizing is not my strong suit. It’s actually something that I tend to shy away from if I can help it. But in the interest of life-long learning and personal growth—and out of necessity because we had the huge move from Maui to Idaho coming up—I decided to tackle the topic with your help! This episode is packed with questions from Elevating Motherhood listeners.

My friend Jennifer Ford Berry made this deep dive into getting more organized so easy! She helped me so much during this transition. This interview took place before I even started packing the first box (and before the baby was born in December!) I got to apply her insights from this chat to the move and WOW what a difference. Her guidance was with me the whole time and has even carried over into setting up my new home here in Idaho.

Jennifer’s Bio: Jennifer Ford Berry is a professional organizer, best-selling author of the Organize Now series and Purpose Over Possessions…and she has a new book in May! She is also the host of The 29 Minute Mom Podcast—I was a guest on her show, too! She owns a semi-annual family consignment event: Mothertime Marketplace, is the president of Jennifer Ford Berry Ministries, and is a loving wife and mom of 2.

She shares all kinds of insights and tips for organizing your life and home. We all come to this topic with different energy—some of us love organization, some of us avoid it—no matter where you are on your organization journey, Jennifer has some helpful thoughts that will speak to you!


I have a new affiliate discount code for you! Use the code LORIBETH for 10% off your purchase at 

Apr 13, 202201:04:43
130. Lent 2022: Why We Need to Practice Lent More Than Ever

130. Lent 2022: Why We Need to Practice Lent More Than Ever

“Ultimately, we recognize the season of Lent before Easter not because God demands it of us, not because Christ commanded it to prove our mettle, and not because we must perfect ourselves before we’re worthy of Easter,” writes Oxenreider. “We observe Lenten practices because they’re good for us… In a world that celebrates indulging our whims whenever we want, to practice the traditions of Lent is countercultural.”

Today is the first day of Lent—which is holding a new meaning for me this year as I pack up my house and life on Maui and get ready to move to Idaho (ironically in the middle of the Lenten season this year). The message and meaning of Lent is helping me get through this move by bringing in notions of self-discipline and reflection (which I need right now). Many of us think of Lent as a time of lack—of fasting & taking away. But what if we could expand that perspective and see the “lack” or “taking away” as making room for more, for celebration. Fasting making room for feasting. (Lent’s purpose is to quite literally makes room for Easter). What if this year we don’t skip straight to the Easter baskets and egg hunts, but use this time to come out of this season (a two year long season of lack) more meaningfully and intentionally?

If Lent is a new concept to you, don’t worry, we share the basics and history of Lent in this episode. If you’re an old hat at Lent, there’s something here for you, too, as Tsh Oxenreider walks us through her inspiring new book Bitter & Sweet as well her reasons why our world needs the life giving practice of Lent now more than ever.

Tsh’s Bio: Tsh Oxenreider is the bestselling author of several books, including Bitter and Sweet: A Journey Into Easter and At Home in the World, her memoir about her family’s year traveling around the world and living out of backpacks. She’s also a travel guide, teacher, and podcaster, and she lives in Georgetown, Texas, with her husband and three children. She is equally happy snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef with her family and putzing around her own backyard. Find Tsh online at





Mar 03, 202255:14
129. Creating A Cozy Home Year Round with Liz Marie Galvan

129. Creating A Cozy Home Year Round with Liz Marie Galvan

A wealth of inspiration and a breath of fresh air, Liz Galvan gives moms permission to look fully at their lives and figure out how to live with intention—not only within their homes but within their family unit and within themselves.

In this episode, we explore how we can bring beauty, peace, and a sense of coziness into our homes all year long by embracing the interconnectedness of our own actions with how we react and perceive the world we live in. It begins with us, and we can think about it, take action, and have fun, all with the way we show up for those around us.

Liz’s Bio: Liz Marie Galvan is the author of Cozy White Cottage Seasons, a blogger, momma, wife, and co-owner of the home décor boutique, The Found Cottage. Liz blogs daily on her website,, where thousands of people go for tips and inspiration each day—whether she’s blogging about life on the farm, their fixer-upper 1800s farmhouse, her latest DIY project, or even about their adoption journey. Liz lives in Michigan with her veteran husband, Jose, and their son, Copeland Beau, along with a few sheep, a lot of bees, a bunch of cats, and even a couple of dogs. You can follow Liz and all of her adventures on Instagram @LizMarieGalvan.

In this episode, Liz & I talk about:

· Her blog and new book

· Life on the farm

· Being in business with her husband

· Adopting

· Being “cozy in the moment”

· Her brick and mortar store, The Found Cottage

· Preconceived notions about what “cozy” is

· The definition of “cozy”

· Finding what your senses love

· Budgeting vs “Pinterest perfect”

· Design decisions

· Rugs as a design choice and budget savior

· Social media pressures

· The notion of being “real”

· Being drawn to authenticity

· Showing up on hard days

· The seasonal approach to cozy

· Going into the seasons with a fresh mind

· Ways to create memories with your family

· Being present and in the moment

· Multitasking and self-care

· Mom guilt

· Justifying your home and self-care

· Being a better parent by taking care of yourself

· Taking your form of rest daily

· Disconnecting

· Seasonal bucket lists

· Creating cozy family traditions

· Giving back during the holidays

· Going back to the basics

· Being intentional

· Using what you have

· Plants in your décor

· Slow growth

· Keeping a white house clean with kids and pets

· Learning to stop apologizing

· Tips to keep whites white

· Perfection is not cozy

Liz’s Links:


Nov 27, 202101:02:11
128. Going Grey: The Ups & Downs of Growing Out My Natural Hair at 40

128. Going Grey: The Ups & Downs of Growing Out My Natural Hair at 40

My hair may be changing, but so am I.

Growing out my grey is about soooooooo much more than hair. A year in, I’m more genuinely confident –that doesn’t mean I love every day, but my gosh, I see the growth literally and figuratively. I see the beauty and the potential. Maybe it’s because I’m a mom, but I know how quickly this transition will fly by, even if it takes years.

In this episode I talk about:

· Why I’m growing out my grey

· Shout out to my hairdresser Tiana

· How it all started

· How it’s going

· Vanity

· Non-toxic shift

· Primally Pure

· The ups & downs of growing out my grey

· Reflection

· Self acceptance

· Slowing down

· The slow process of growing out my grey

· Detachment

· Understanding my whys behind my choice

· Other people’s reactions to my decision

· Feeling “old” or looking “old” with grey hair

· The disbelief of others that I’m actually doing it

· Obvious disapproval of others

· Insults—intentional or not

· The people who love it

· Authenticity

· How others have inspired me

· How I’ve kept that ripple of inspiration going

· Deep, instant connections

· “You know you could just dye it” reactions

· Why others choose to grow their grey

· Months of unfolding

· Endless support of Silver Sisters

· #silversisters

· #grombre

· #growingoutmygrey

· #greyhair

· #grayhair

· #silverhair

· #greyhairmovement

· Two funny stories about growing out my grey

· Brad Paisley’s song “Then”

· Fertility = youth

· Different perspectives on aging

Oct 16, 202138:43
127. Pursuing Your Passion: Going Back to School While Mothering & Working with Malika Dudley

127. Pursuing Your Passion: Going Back to School While Mothering & Working with Malika Dudley

Have you thought about going back to school, pursuing your certification, degree, or even masters degree? Or maybe you’re dreaming of starting a business or passion project…but you’re a mom and busy and life seems overwhelming as is…so you question whether you can truly add one more thing to your plate financially, time wise, or even just mentally, emotionally, or physically.

There are so many factors to consider when wondering if your dream can or should come to life. And right as you are working out the details in your head or journal, cue the mom guilt and imposter syndrome.

But at the same time you look around and see that other moms are doing it or have done it. If you are anywhere on this journey toward making time for school, yourself, and/or your dreams, this episode is for you.

Maui mama Malika Dudley is here to answer questions about her story that led her to obtaining her masters degree and starting a podcast called Comminification (all about the beautification of communication). All while mom-ing, working, and processing loss.

She and I share about our masters degree journeys—and while we dive into the pragmatics of it (scheduling, cost, etc). you’ll see that this is a much bigger conversation than the questions and pros/cons list you might be compiling. At the end of our interview I was really struck by how much our journeys were about more than those initial lists in our heads…when really it came down to alignment, learning about ourselves, our families and our communities.

This conversation is a living, breathing example of what it’s like when moms take the time to show up and pursue their passions. So if you’re thinking about going for it—whatever that means for you—get ready! You’re going to learn so much about yourself!

Bio, Links, Full Show Notes & More can be found at: WWW.ELEVATINGMOTHERHOOD.COM 

Oct 03, 202101:34:15
126. Elevating Mother/Daughter Relationships with Ann Dillard, LMFT

126. Elevating Mother/Daughter Relationships with Ann Dillard, LMFT

“We repeat what we don’t repair.” – Christine Langley-Obaugh

Thanks for being here for this episode. You don’t have to be a mom to a daughter to benefit from today’s show. If you’re a woman, you’re already in a mother/daughter relationship (you are someone’s daughter). If you are a mom to a girl, there’s that dynamic, too. Do me a favor…hop over to IG after listening to this episode and look for the Episode 126 post…then share with me which relationship dynamic or lens first drew you to this topic. I’d love to know.

That’s the interesting part of today’s conversation…we’re all bringing a different perspective to the table. It’s like looking at our past (back at our childhood), looking at the now (and our children’s childhood as well as our current relationship with our own mothers), and into our future (what we want our relationship with our children to look like in the future, how we want our relationship with our own mothers to change, and even looking at future in-law relationships)—all at the same time.

The mother/daughter dynamic is so important in our everyday lives and in our society as a whole. Ann Dillard is here to tap into why that is, how we can heal every mother/daughter relationship in our lives, and offer us empowering, transformative insights into this vulnerable topic.

Ann’s Bio: Ann Dillard is the founder of KIP Consulting Services, LLC and passionate about instilling hope and empowering individuals to live their best lives. She operates a thriving private practice in Decatur, GA, where she offers mental health services to teens girls and their families. Ms. Ann hosts conversation circles and coaching programs internationally, where she helps women of all ages to navigate challenges in their mother/daughter relationships She is the a co-author of the Amazon #1 Bestseller Unchain My Legacy and has contributed to several other publications. Ms. Ann has created several tools to help foster healthy relationships and stronger mothers and daughter bonds, as well as parents and their teenagers. Ann Dillard is a Certified Daring Way Facilitator, Internal Family Systems, and Brainspotting Therapist


Elevating Motherhood Links:


Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood



Please Visit Today's Sponsor: 

Sep 26, 202101:16:24
125. Showing Up When You Want to Shut Down with Lisa Whittle

125. Showing Up When You Want to Shut Down with Lisa Whittle

Fear, comparison, feeling inadequate, overwhelm, exhaustion…there are so many factors in our lives that bring on feelings of wanting to shut down. Especially as moms. Life is good and hard at the same time…but how do we live in that dichotomy? How can we embrace the hard parts of life and the highlight reel moments and learn from all of them? Author and speaker Lisa Whittle is here with us to share some ideas on this very subject.

Lisa believes that two truths can be true at the same time. Things work together, even if they don’t seem to be working out. Our lives and circumstances are not either or…

Lisa’s Bio: Lisa Whittle is the author of eight books, and her wit and bold bottom-line approach have made her a sought-after Bible teacher. She is also the creator of a companion video Bible study for Jesus over Everything. A pastor’s daughter and longtime ministry leader in issues relevant to the church, Lisa is the founder of Ministry Strong and the popular Jesus over Everything podcast, which debuted in the top 25 of Christian podcasts. Her love runs deep to see people pursue Jesus for life, grow deep roots of faith, and walk strong in the midst of a world that so often seems to have gone crazy. She and her family live in North Carolina. Her new book, The Hard Good, releases in early September.


Elevating Motherhood Links:


Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood



Please Visit Today’s Sponsors:

Blossom & Root: Today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood is sponsored by Blossom & Root a nature-based, Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum company that has been gently guiding and supporting families for years! This thoughtful, age appropriate curriculum begins at the preschool level with options all the way up to 4thgrade with more grade levels being released each year.

Blossom & Root is the homeschool curriculum my family uses and loves! The information and ideas are easy to follow, fun, and engaging. If you’re new to homeschool or looking for an inspired homeschool curriculum to help you lovingly teach and guide your children, I highly recommend Blossom & Root. Using this curriculum has brought so much connection and joy to our homeschool days—I love it! Blossom & Root has generously offered a discount for listeners of Elevating Motherhood: use the code LORIBETH10 at checkout for 10% off your order.

For more information about Blossom & Root, head over to

Homeschool Explained: An online course to help you start your homeschool journey with confidence! 

Sep 18, 202159:10
124. Parenting Generation Screen: Guiding Your Kids to Be Wise in a Digital World with Jonathan McKee

124. Parenting Generation Screen: Guiding Your Kids to Be Wise in a Digital World with Jonathan McKee

“We gotta talk to our kids. We have to equip them to make good decisions and we have to teach them truths so they recognize lies.”

Screen time, phones, tablets, computers…online predators, rule breaking, off the charts average daily screen times…parenting this generation of screen obsessed kids is so stressful.

Most parents know that too much screen time, especially social media, is unhealthy for kids, but they don’t know how to set wise limits and teach their kids the “why” behind the rules. Today’s guest Jonathan McKee has over 20+ years of experience with youth ministry and family research that has taught him that parents need to connect with their kids just as much as they correct their kids. In his latest book Parenting Generation Screen: Guiding Your Kids to Be Wise in a Digital World, he offers insights that show us that safe, loving conversations about screen use that will set kids up for a lifetime of good decisions and habits. But how do we do that? Where do we start? Don’t worry, Jonathan covers aaaaaaaaaall things parenting and screens today. And if it’s not in this episode (we talk about A LOT!), you’ll probably find it in his book.

Jonathan’s Bio: Jonathan McKee is the author of more than twenty-five books, including Teen’s Guide to Face-to-Face Connections in a Screen-to-Screen World; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon bestseller – The Guy’s Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for moms and dads on his website He draws from more than twenty years of experience working with teenagers, studying and writing about youth culture and the influence of digital media, and raising three kids with more devices than they can count! In 2018 Focus on the Family aired a broadcast of Jonathan McKee talking about helping our kids learn “wise posting in a digital world,” and plugging his book to teenagers, The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices. The show was one of the top broadcasts of 2018.


Elevating Motherhood Links:


Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood


Please Visit Today’s Sponsors:

Blossom & Root: Today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood is sponsored by Blossom & Root a nature-based, Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum company that has been gently guiding and supporting families for years! This thoughtful, age appropriate curriculum begins at the preschool level with options all the way up to 4th grade with more grade levels being released each year.

Blossom & Root is the homeschool curriculum my family uses and loves! The information and ideas are easy to follow, fun, and engaging. If you’re new to homeschool or looking for an inspired homeschool curriculum to help you lovingly teach and guide your children, I highly recommend Blossom & Root. Using this curriculum has brought so much connection and joy to our homeschool days—I love it! Blossom & Root has generously offered a discount for listeners of Elevating Motherhood: use the code LORIBETH10 at checkout for 10% off your order.

For more information about Blossom & Root, head over to

Homeschool Explained:

Sep 12, 202159:51
123. Therapy Option: A Deep Dive Healing Group with Elizabeth Fisher Good

123. Therapy Option: A Deep Dive Healing Group with Elizabeth Fisher Good

We’re showing up. We’re doing the work. We see what we’re tasked with as women and now moms—that we need to heal wounds, mend relationships, set goals, establish our values, and act on them…but what are our options when it comes to getting support to help us do the internal work?

When we think of seeking help some of the only things that come to mind are one on one sessions with a therapist and talk therapy. We’ve covered a few other options here on the podcast like brainspotting. But what else is there?

My friend Elizabeth Fisher Good is rolling out a new, transformative option this week—coaching in a group setting with other supportive women. She’s here to share all the amazing details with us today…and I decided to share it with you now because I’ve seen what comes out of Elizabeth’s dedication to helping women heal. She is an amazing resource and this healing group is an incredible opportunity to join her program A Journey to More. She is a calling awakener--someone who supports women on their journeys to understand that they are enough while honoring that they also want more in their life, that they want to answer their callings and find their purpose.

Elizabeth’s Bio: Elizabeth Fisher Good, Eternal Purpose Coach, helps women achieve a lasting freedom and a Kingdom mindset. She is a thought leader, CEO of The Selah Way Foundation, and author of Groomed. She not only breaks barriers and redefines leadership, but also steadfastly leads the charge in fighting for justice for the exploited... all while balancing her favorite roles as wife and mother of three. She challenges individuals to step out of the lies and shame of their past and embrace true freedom which comes from vulnerability, transparency and living with Jesus. Elizabeth has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and decades of experience in ministry and counseling.

Elizabeth is poised to change your world and motivates everyone she encounters to embrace their unique calling. If you're seeking to live life free and discover your true purpose, Elizabeth invites you to take this journey with her!


Please Visit Today's Sponsor: WWW.HOMESCHOOLEXPLAINED.COM 

Sep 04, 202154:00
122. Abandoning "vs." Culture

122. Abandoning "vs." Culture

I would bet money that no one understands “vs. culture” better than moms. We’re thrown into it from the moment we decide to start trying or find out we’re pregnant. In an instant, we’re thrown into hospital birth vs. homebirth questions, breastfeeding vs. formula, cloth diapers vs. disposable, this brand vs. that brand, that car seat vs. this car seat. It’s overwhelming and at the end of the day feels like nothing less than a freight train of advertising campaigns, personal opinions that feel more like personal attacks, and social pressure to “pick a side” and stick to it in every anti vs. pro argument out there.

Just yuck.

We’re told we have to buy the whole package or align with one side—and there is no opting out, you have to choose and you can’t switch sides. But we know that this just isn’t true.

Examples of Vs. Culture:

· Hospital vs. homebirth

· Breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding

· Homeschool vs. public school vs. private school (Homeschool even has secular vs. religious)

· Vaccinated vs unvaccinated

· Masks vs. no masks

· Meat eaters vs. vegans

· Android vs. iPhone

· Pro-life vs. pro-choice

· Republican vs. Democrat

Vs. Culture Affects Us on So Many Levels:

· Personal

· Family

· Friends

· Community

· Larger culture


Let’s Keep Talking About This!

· On Instagram: @loribethauldridge + @elevatingmotherhood

· On Patreon:

· Through the contact form here on the website

Please Visit Today’s Sponsors:

Blossom & Root. Today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood is sponsored by Blossom & Root a nature-based, Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum company that has been gently guiding and supporting families for years! This thoughtful, age appropriate curriculum begins at the preschool level with options all the way up to 4th grade with more grade levels being released each year.

Blossom & Root is the homeschool curriculum my family uses and loves! The information and ideas are easy to follow, fun, and engaging. If you’re new to homeschool or looking for an inspired homeschool curriculum to help you lovingly teach and guide your children, I highly recommend Blossom & Root. Using this curriculum has brought so much connection and joy to our homeschool days—I love it! Blossom & Root has generously offered a discount for listeners of Elevating Motherhood: use the code LORIBETH10 at checkout for 10% OFF your order.

For more information about Blossom & Root, head over to

Aug 29, 202133:40
121. Homeschooling with Confidence with Durenda Wilson

121. Homeschooling with Confidence with Durenda Wilson

“No good decision is made from fear.”

This is a lively conversation! It’s basically a couple of long-time homeschoolers getting together to talk homeschool and share a wealth of information and passion with each other and you.

Durenda Wilson is an interpreter of the heart. She understands what mamas think, feel, and worry about then shares insight with us in such a way that not only do we feel resourced but we feel equipped to move forward with confidence in our motherhood. We’ll be specifically talking about homeschool topics today but you’ll see that her ideas translate into motherhood in general. So whether you homeschool or not, there is something in this episode for you!

Durenda’s Bio: With more than twenty-five years of home education experience, Durenda Wilson is a trusted voice and resource at homeschooling conventions and on The Durenda Wilson Podcast. ### Zondervan is a HarperCollins Company and part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. Zondervan is a world leading publisher and provider of Christian communications. The company’s products are sold worldwide and translated into nearly 200 languages. Zondervan offices are located in Grand Rapids, Mich. For additional information, please visit Durenda and her husband, Darryl, have eight kids and six grandbabies (with more on the way). As an author and speaker, her greatest joy is helping moms discover God’s grace—and with it the courage to put their full trust in him, moving forward in faith and confidence.


Elevating Motherhood Links:


Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood


Please Visit Today’s Sponsors:

Blossom & Root. Today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood is sponsored by Blossom & Root a nature-based, Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum company that has been gently guiding and supporting families for years! This thoughtful, age appropriate curriculum begins at the preschool level with options all the way up to 4th grade with more grade levels being released each year.

Blossom & Root is the homeschool curriculum my family uses and loves! The information and ideas are easy to follow, fun, and engaging. If you’re new to homeschool or looking for an inspired homeschool curriculum to help you lovingly teach and guide your children, I highly recommend Blossom & Root. Using this curriculum has brought so much connection and joy to our homeschool days—I love it! Blossom & Root has generously offered a discount for listeners of Elevating Motherhood: use the code LORIBETH10 at checkout for 10% off your order.

For more information about Blossom & Root, head over to

Homeschool Explained. Today’s episode is sponsored by Homeschool Explained, an online course I created to help parents find their confidence on their homeschool journey. Find out more at WWW.HOMESCHOOLEXPLAINED.COM

Aug 21, 202101:15:12
120. The 6Rs of Rest & Recovery with Gillian Behnke

120. The 6Rs of Rest & Recovery with Gillian Behnke

“How do I want to feel today?”

Are priorities and boundaries easy for you? Can you take a week off of work or a break from life and feel rested at the end of it? Are there moments in your life (like all of 2020 and now 2021) that have you feeling like you need to recover from an event or busy season?

Gillian Behnke is here to share 6 ideas with us that can help us on our road to (much needed!) rest and recovery. All 6 ideas begin with the letter R...but by the time we ended our chat, we’d come up with 14 Rs altogether. It’s a fun conversation that will encourage you to put yourself as a priority so you have the capacity to care for others.

Gillian’s Bio: As a busy mom of two, Gillian cares deeply about helping other moms feel better both mentally and physically. She believes that motherhood does not equal with exhaustion, and that it is possible to thrive mentally, emotionally, physically and professionally. Gillian is the founder of Mom Camp, a media and events company that empowers moms to live their best lives. She is also the host of the Mom Camp: Around the Campfire podcast.


Elevating Motherhood Links:


Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood


Please Visit Today’s Sponsors:

Homeschool Explained: Today’s episode is supported by Homeschool Explained, an online course I created to help parents find their confidence on their homeschool journey. I used to teach in-person workshops here on Maui to help families gather all the information and resources they need, answer all their questions, alleviate concerns, and help them get organized as they started homeschooling. Homeschool Explainedis the online version of those workshops. I totally get it, starting any new journey can be overwhelming…especially when it comes to re-thinking how your kids are going to get an education—and that you’re going to be the teacher. But don’t worry. There is so much support and freedom in homeschool. It’s do-able. It’s fun. And it takes way less time than most people think. I put almost 15 years of homeschool experience and insights into this easy to follow, easy to use online course that answers common questions, helps you work through worries, and saves you time. No more internet search overload. This is all the info you need to get started homeschooling today from a trusted, experienced source.

I show you what modern homeschool days actually look like—all while covering major topics like curriculum, homeschool styles, subjects to teach, cost, state laws, socialization and so much more. This course takes the guess work out of where and how to begin and leaves you with solid support and resources. I want you to start your homeschool journey with confidence! Find out more at

Join Lori Beth on Patreon! Elevating Motherhood is coming to life over on Patreon! I’m super stoked to let you know I’ll be over there in our online moms group in Patreon connecting with you and other incredible mamas. It’s such a great space where we can have deep dive discussions about today’s topic and every other topic discussed here on the show. WWW.PATREON.COM/ELEVATINGMOTHERHOOD

Aug 15, 202101:08:36
119. An Unhurried Heart, Mind, & Life with Jennifer Dukes Lee

119. An Unhurried Heart, Mind, & Life with Jennifer Dukes Lee

Today’s guest wrote a lovely, inspiring book called Growing Slow: Lessons on Unhurrying Your Heart from an Accidental Farm Girl. I devoured this book. I experienced the blessed timing of reading this book right after the book from last week’s episode with Ginger Stache, Chasing Wonder: Small Steps Toward a Life of Big Adventure…and mamas, if I could recommend reading any two books back to back, it would be these two!

In Growing Slow, Jennifer addresses all kinds of issues mamas struggle with and provides so much encouragement for our insecure mama moments when we feel like we’re falling behind, or our kids are falling behind, when we’re struggling to find time for ourselves…and even big moments when we’re looking at our life and realizing this is NOT what we expected or planned.

In this conversation, Jennifer reminds us that all the little things are the mattering things. And that it’s okay to change. Along with lots of other lovely reminders that will fill your mama heart. Thanks for being here for this joyful conversation.

Jennifer’s Bio: Jennifer Dukes Lee lives on the fifth-generation Lee family farm in Iowa, where she and her husband are raising crops, pigs, and two beautiful humans. She writes books, loves queso, and enjoys singing too loudly to songs with great harmony. Once upon a time, she didn't believe in Jesus; now he's her CEO.


Elevating Motherhood Links:


Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood


Join Lori Beth on Patreon! Elevating Motherhood is coming to life over on Patreon! I’m super stoked to let you know I’ll be over there in our online moms group in Patreon connecting with you and other incredible mamas. It’s such a great space where we can have deep dive discussions about today’s topic and every other topic discussed here on the show.

I’ll also be hosting virtual classes once a month for moms. There are already multiple classes that are up and evergreen & available for you to watch anytime! Join me for August’s class that goes LIVE on Friday, August 20th. Maui mama and creator of the Let’s Feed Them Plants Patreon channel is going to be sharing her top secret recipes with us for her award winning vegan nacho cheese and vegan sour cream. They are so delicious! Sign up this month and be entered in the drawing! There are currently four other classes you can take at any time, too: cooking, numerology, creative writing, and fascia exercises with new classes being shared every month.

Go check out the details at I’m super stoked to be an ad-free, off social media, no distraction space to connect with you and other moms! It’s already been so refreshing and life giving to be able to connect deeper with you all. I’m excited for you to join us!

Aug 08, 202157:18
118. Being Blown Away Instead of Burnt Out with Chasing Wonder Author Ginger Stache

118. Being Blown Away Instead of Burnt Out with Chasing Wonder Author Ginger Stache

We’re always chasing after something…why not chase after wonder?

The world is filled with wonder. It’s also filled with messages of chaos, burn out, busy-ness, and overwhelm. This past year has been no exception—especially for moms. When I picked up Ginger Stache’s book Chasing Wonder, all of those life sucking messages seemed to disappear. It was like a pressure valve released in my life and I was free to see the wonder around me again.

Ginger is a mom and author I am really excited to share with you. She is here with us today to share some of that release and encouragement I think our mama hearts and minds could really use right now.

Ginger’s Bio: Ginger Stache is the Chief Creative Officer of Joyce Meyer Ministries. She has worked in television for over 35 years, and, in that time, has interviewed Joyce and many influential Christian figures. Ginger hosts Joyce Meyer's Talk It Out podcast, and is one of Joyce's closest friends and confidants. This will be her first book. Ginger lives in St. Louis with her husband and has two grown daughters and one granddaughter.


Elevating Motherhood Links:


Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood


Please visit today’s sponsors:

Join Lori Beth on Patreon! Elevating Motherhood is coming to life over on Patreon! I’m super stoked to let you know I’ll be over there more than any other platform connecting with you and other incredible mamas. It’s such a great space where we can have deep dive discussions about today’s topic and every other topic discussed here on the show.

I’ll also be hosting virtual classes once a month for moms. There are already multiple classes that are up and evergreen & available for you to watch anytime! Join our online community for a cooking class, numerology class, creative writing workshop, and a series of 10 life changing fascia exercises—all available in Patreon now!

Go check out the details at I’m super stoked to be an ad-free, off social media, no distraction space to connect with you and other moms! It’s already been so refreshing and life giving to be able to connect deeper with you all. I’m excited for you to join us!

Blossom & Root: Today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood is sponsored by Blossom & Root a nature-based, Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum company that has been gently guiding and supporting families for years! This thoughtful, age appropriate curriculum begins at the preschool level with options all the way up to 4th grade with more grade levels being released each year.

Blossom & Root is the homeschool curriculum my family uses and loves! The information and ideas are easy to follow, fun, and engaging. If you’re new to homeschool or looking for an inspired homeschool curriculum to help you lovingly teach and guide your children, I highly recommend Blossom & Root. Using this curriculum has brought so much connection and joy to our homeschool days—I love it! Blossom & Root has generously offered a discount for listeners of Elevating Motherhood: use the code LORIBETH10 at checkout for 10% off your order.

For more information about Blossom & Root, head over to

Jul 31, 202157:02
117. Called to Create: Let’s Feed Them Plants—Why Jessica Ross Started a Vegan Cooking Show & How It Will Help You Eat More Veggies

117. Called to Create: Let’s Feed Them Plants—Why Jessica Ross Started a Vegan Cooking Show & How It Will Help You Eat More Veggies

“…(then there’s) the societal pressure, stigmas, & expectations that you have to choose one eating way, jump on that ship, then fire cannons at everybody else.”

What motivates people to start businesses? Channels? Recipes? Blogs? And what inspires people to choose eating styles? Paleo? Keto? Vegan? Whole 30? What motivates people to do the two together and show up for others with ideas for eating? Maui Mama Jessica Ross is here with us today to share her heart behind her vegan cooking show Let’s Feed Them Plants on Patreon. I personally follow Jessica because her recipes are delicious and years ago I discovered that I can get my family to willingly eat more vegetables when I lean into vegan recipes.

You all know I’m not a vegan…and that I don’t believe there is a one size fits all answer for everyone (ever) including eating styles. Jessica’s goal is not to talk you into becoming a vegan or try to convince you but to go plant-based, but instead wants to be a resource for families who are interested.

Jessica’s Bio: Jessica Ross is the creator of Let's Feed Them Plants™, an online cooking show that she created in her home kitchen on the beautiful island of Maui. The recipes she posts are the same ones that she feeds her family in real life. Her goal is to help make plant-based decisions more convenient, satisfying, and relatable. ⁠ ⁠ Many of Jessica’s recipes are comfort foods that everyone can enjoy whether they're plant-based or not.⁠ They are easily modifiable for those thriving on vegetarian, gluten-free or oil-free lifestyles. ⁠All of her recipes can be viewed, downloaded, and printed for FREE. Each of them comes with a beautiful recipe card that she hopes will hopefully become a permanent part of your meal rotations at home.⁠


Elevating Motherhood Links:


Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood


Please visit today’s sponsors:

Join Lori Beth on Patreon! Elevating Motherhood is coming to life over on Patreon! I’m super stoked to let you know I’ll be over there in our online moms group in Patreon connecting with you and other incredible mamas. It’s such a great space where we can have deep dive discussions about today’s topic and every other topic discussed here on the show.

I’ll also be hosting virtual classes once a month for moms. There are already multiple classes that are up and evergreen & available for you to watch anytime! Join me for July’s class that went LIVE yesterday, Friday, July 23rd. It’s a fascia movement class where we learn about fascia and it’s role in the body as well as 10 life changing fascia exercises that will help hydrate your fascia and positively effect your body! Sign up this month and be entered in the drawing! There are currently three other classes you can take at any time, too: cooking, numerology, and creative writing with new classes being shared every month.

Go check out the details at I’m super stoked to be an ad-free, off social media, no distraction space to connect with you and other moms! It’s already been so refreshing and life giving to be able to connect deeper with you all. I’m excited for you to join us!

Jul 24, 202101:01:60
116. Creating a Welcoming Table & Home with Abby Turner

116. Creating a Welcoming Table & Home with Abby Turner

I’m sure I’m not the only one who is feeling ready for get togethers and BBQs and celebrations with friends and family. I personally love celebrating and eating together as much as possible…but I do know there is sometimes some trepidation when it comes to planning these kinds of events. Modern pressure tells us we need to host a Pinterest worthy celebration and nothing less. I think in our heart of hearts we know that’s not true, but that doesn’t always make the stress of party or meal prepping any easier.

But Abby Turner of A Tabletop Affair is with us today to provide encouragement, help us understand why celebrating in community is so important and worthy of our time, and share ideas from her new book The Living Table.

Abby’s Bio: Abby Turner is a young professional who is single and loving life as a food blogger, speaker, and writer. Born into a large family, she grew up in Central Arkansas, where she learned the importance of community and Biblical hospitality at a young age. After completing undergraduate degrees at Ouachita Baptist University and obtaining her Master's from Baylor, Abby lived in 6 states in 5 years, learning that community is essential to a healthy relationship with Christ. Over the last few years, Abby has spoken at college/universities, churches, companies and has been featured on regional TV shows and podcasts. Abby's passion is to encourage women to stop wasting time waiting for the perfect family, house, or table and to start opening their homes, cooking for friends and building community. You can learn more about Abby and enjoy even more recipes by visiting her website at


Elevating Motherhood Links:


Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood


Join Lori Beth on Patreon! Elevating Motherhood is coming to life over on Patreon! I’m super stoked to let you know I’ll be over there more than any other platform connecting with you and other incredible mamas. It’s such a great space where we can have deep dive discussions about today’s topic and every other topic discussed here on the show.

I’ll also be hosting virtual classes once a month for moms. There are already multiple classes that are up and evergreen & available for you to watch anytime! Join me for July’s class that goes LIVE this Friday, July 24th. where we’ll talk learn about fascia and it’s role in the body as well as 10 life changing fascia exercises that will help hydrate your fascia and positively effect your body! Sign up this month and be entered in the drawing!

Go check out the details at I’m super stoked to be an ad-free, off social media, no distraction space to connect with you and other moms! It’s already been so refreshing and life giving to be able to connect deeper with you all. I’m excited for you to join us!

Blossom & Root: Today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood is sponsored by Blossom & Root a nature-based, Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum company that has been gently guiding and supporting families for years! For more information about Blossom & Root, head over to

Jul 18, 202101:05:02
115. Finding Satisfaction in Motherhood with Alyssa Bethke

115. Finding Satisfaction in Motherhood with Alyssa Bethke

Have you ever thought of your life in terms of being satisfied with it or not? To be honest, I’m not sure the thought of whether I was “satisfied” in my life and motherhood really ever crossed my heart, but when Alyssa Bethke’s book title came across my desk, I thought about the notion of satisfaction…and it became very clear that while maybe it’s something that wasn’t obvious to me in the past, upon reflection I realized that it is something that probably showed up often in my actions and self-talk.

So we’re going to talk about it today—feeling satisfied in life and motherhood. Alyssa is going to share what brings her peace and satisfaction. We’re going to tackle obstacles to feeling satisfied and just unpack and encourage all at the same time. I’m really glad you’re here for this conversation. I know we both hope it leaves you feeling inspired and closer to satisfied.

Alyssa’s Bio: Alyssa Bethke is a mother of three children, Kinsley, Kannon, and Lucy, and a dog named Aslan. She and her husband, Jeff Bethke, live on Maui, and are bloggers, YouTubers, and hosts of The Real-Life podcast. Jeff and Alyssa are the New York Times bestselling authors of Jesus > Religion and It's Not What You Think and Love That Lasts. They are passionate about encouraging and strengthening families through their awesome work at


Join Lori Beth on Patreon! Elevating Motherhood is coming to life over on Patreon! I’m super stoked to let you know I’ll be over there more than any other platform connecting with you and other incredible mamas. It’s such a great space where we can have deep dive discussions about today’s topic and every other topic discussed here on the show.

I’ll also be hosting virtual classes once a month for moms. April, May, & June’s classes are already up and evergreen—they are available for you to watch anytime! Join me for July’s Fascia Workshop that goes live on Friday, July 23rd. Sign up this month and be entered in the monthly giveaway!

Go check out the details at I’m super stoked to be an ad-free, off social media, no distraction space to connect with you and other moms! It’s already been so refreshing and life giving to be able to connect deeper with you all. I’m excited for you to join us!

Jul 10, 202153:11
114. Restoring Metabolic Health with Kori Meloy

114. Restoring Metabolic Health with Kori Meloy

This is an episode that absolutely reminds me of why I love podcasting so much. This episode is not only going to be a jam packed resource for you, a solid lead on where to start with metabolic health, but also an empowering conversation that will leave you more curious about your own body and health to the point that you’ll want to learn more AND take action.

Metabolic health is becoming more mainstream and thank goodness it is because metabolic markers are huge indicators in our lives! Today you are going to learn a ton of information about your body, your health, eating, lifestyle and so much more—information that’s going to empower you on your health (and life!) journey.

Kori’s Bio: Kori Meloy helps women restore their metabolism & youthful vitality through her online course, Freely Rooted. Through her journey holistically healing her Endometriosis & other chronic issues, she became passionate about answering the question “how do we eat, live, & move in a way that supports our actual physiological design?” If we knew the answer to this, we would know how to lay the foundation for our bodies to fall into balance & thrive! In a world of diet culture & noisy health + wellness advice, she realized that we are moving further and further away from what is truly supportive to the body. Kori set out to help women restore their own imbalances by taking charge of their health, rediscovering their biological design, & returning to real food. Kori is pregnant with her second child & lives on the island of Maui with her husband & 3 year old son.


Please Visit Today’s Sponsor:

Blossom & Root: Today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood is sponsored by Blossom & Root a nature-based, Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum company that has been gently guiding and supporting families for years! This thoughtful, age appropriate curriculum begins at the preschool level with options all the way up to 4thgrade with more grade levels being released each year.

Blossom & Root is the homeschool curriculum my family uses and loves! The information and ideas are easy to follow, fun, and engaging. If you’re new to homeschool or looking for an inspired homeschool curriculum to help you lovingly teach and guide your children, I highly recommend Blossom & Root. Using this curriculum has brought so much connection and joy to our homeschool days—I love it! Blossom & Root has generously offered a discount for listeners of Elevating Motherhood: use the code LORIBETH10 at checkout for 10% off your order.

For more information about Blossom & Root, head over to

Homeschool Explained:

Jul 03, 202101:05:49
113. Fascia, Muscles, & Movement: Educating Yourself About Your Postpartum Body with Greta Wyeth

113. Fascia, Muscles, & Movement: Educating Yourself About Your Postpartum Body with Greta Wyeth

Our bodies are AMAZING! And not just because they can grow and sustain babies but because of how they work. This conversation with Greta Wyeth will leave you feeling very appreciative of all your body can do. One of Greta’s many missions is to help women educate themselves about their bodies so they can clearly communicate and get the help they need. She goes about this in a really interesting way. I didn’t feel like I was being lectured to about what my body can do, but instead I felt awakened to mind-blowing ways my body works and communicates. I WANT to know more about my body and muscles and movement and fascia—not out of obligation, but out of pure curiosity & empowerment!

Fascia is a buzz word right now, and for great reasons! Greta shares with us what it is, what it does, what it looks like, and shares recent discoveries about its role in the body. But first she walks us through self-education, our physical body, muscle function, re-educating our pelvic floor, movement (like Pilates) and helps us understand more about ourselves so by the time we cover fascia, it just “clicks.”

Greta’s Bio: Greta Wyeth is a Nationally Certified and STOTT Certified Pilates Teacher who is rooted in science and dedicated to the inter-relatedness of form and function in the human body. She believes that knowledge of your own body along with how and why it moves can inform and inspire healthy movement patterns. Greta teaches her clients how to find effective movement patterns and the muscle activation that promotes strength, balance, and alignment. Having worked with NFL and MSL athletes and being a lead referral by Sutter Health and Kaiser Permanente OB/GYNs, Greta helps clients become their own best advocates. Greta is the Founder of Still Point Movement, an education specialist, course creator and mom of 2.


Join Lori Beth on Patreon! Elevating Motherhood is coming to life over on Patreon! I’m super stoked to let you know I’ll be over there more than any other platform connecting with you and other incredible mamas. It’s such a great space where we can have deep dive discussions about today’s topic and every other topic discussed here on the show.

I’ll also be hosting virtual classes once a month for moms. April and May’s classes are already up and evergreen—they are available for you to watch anytime! Join me for June’s Creative Writing Workshop that just went LIVE yesterday, June 25th. where we’ll talk about the writing process, creative outlets & habits, and even how we can document special moments for and tell stories to our kids. Sign up this month and be entered in the drawing!

Go check out the details at I’m super stoked to be an ad-free, off social media, no distraction space to connect with you and other moms! It’s already been so refreshing and life giving to be able to connect deeper with you all. I’m excited for you to join us!

Jun 26, 202101:19:44
112. Brainspotting Therapy: What It Is & How it Can Help Women in the Perinatal Period with Jana Glass

112. Brainspotting Therapy: What It Is & How it Can Help Women in the Perinatal Period with Jana Glass

“There’s no better time to heal than now." -Jana Glass

A listener wrote in and suggested that I interview today’s guest Jana Glass about brainspotting—and I’m so grateful she did! If you ever have an interesting guest or topic that you believe could benefit moms, please reach out and share—the result could be something like today’s awesome episode!

Jana is going to share a therapy technique called brainspotting—she’ll describe what it is, how it works, what a brainspotting session looks like, and how it can help moms (during any time in their lives, but also specifically during the perinatal period). She also answers practical questions like “How do you know when you need therapy?” and “Who goes to therapy & why?”

I appreciate her approach to trauma and how she describes it as treatable…as well as her beliefs that there is no better time to heal than now, the strongest and bravest people reach out for support, and when we heal birthgivers, we heal the world.

This episode contains tons of general brainspotting information (great for anyone seeking healing modalities) as well as specific info for moms and moms to be.

Jana’s Bio: Jana Glass is a Licensed Professional Counselor certified in Brainspotting, Addictions, Perinatal Mental Health, and Telemental Health. She is in private practice in Atlanta, Georgia, USA specializing in treating trauma, addictions, and perinatal mental health including decisions and challenges around family expansion through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. She found her own perinatal healing through Brainspotting and is passionate about helping people heal and enjoy their role as a parent. Jana is a Certified Brainspotting Consultant and provides individual and group consultation.


Elevating Motherhood Links:

Instagram: @loribethauldridge @elevatingmotherhood


Please visit today’s sponsors:

Blossom & Root:Today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood is sponsored by Blossom & Root a nature-based, Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum company that has been gently guiding and supporting families for years! This thoughtful, age appropriate curriculum begins at the preschool level with options all the way up to 4thgrade with more grade levels being released each year.

Blossom & Root is the homeschool curriculum my family uses and loves! The information and ideas are easy to follow, fun, and engaging. If you’re new to homeschool or looking for an inspired homeschool curriculum to help you lovingly teach and guide your children, I highly recommend Blossom & Root. Using this curriculum has brought so much connection and joy to our homeschool days—I love it! Blossom & Root has generously offered a discount for listeners of Elevating Motherhood: use the code LORIBETH10 at checkout for 10% off your order.

Join Lori Beth on Patreon! Elevating Motherhood is coming to life over on Patreon! I’m super stoked to let you know I’ll be over there more than any other platform connecting with you and other incredible mamas. It’s such a great space where we can have deep dive discussions about today’s topic and every other topic discussed here on the show. I’ll also be hosting virtual classes once a month for moms. 

Go check out the details at I’m super stoked to be an ad-free, off social media, no distraction space to connect with other moms!

Jun 19, 202159:26